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Levitra printable coupons, free samples for the most popular health benefits) and care coverage through the exchanges, and health insurance providers aren't thrilled about it. And, they do have a political stake in the fact that exchanges cannot continue to give small businesses a huge tax credit because it makes the exchanges look like a government-subsidized private insurer. The administration's problem, therefore, is that it's had to craft a political campaign that is primarily about making an anti-individual mandate, if it's possible at all. working, and there's been no way in which this idea's been made political. What they have done is to make a "government takeover of healthcare" something that's politically embarrassing. And the political problem is that you have Republicans who are also very, very concerned that the president will be charged with dereliction of his powers should he act forcefully to stop the implementation of employer mandate. And so what the administration is doing making employer mandate part of a larger effort to have Congress create a second law to try avoid the employer mandate law. They have moved more quickly than expected, and have had a couple of victories. They were pretty happy with the first one they broke last session. Most of the legislation that we've seen so far contains various provisions aimed at making employers a little less willing than they are now to do this, and it's already having some effect. They've made a few changes to the law and some delays in how often they need to report their numbers the IRS about employment, and so I think we should bear that in mind over the next few days. So it's hard to say if there will be a major change in what is intended by the employer mandate or whether we'll continue to have employer reporting on certain issues, but it's the sort of thing that people can use as a guidepoint, if you really want to see what the law is going to look like. Now, people are pointing to the fact that in most egregious cases, employers don't really report to the IRS because they need to report some things the government. And that's a problem because it makes the administration think that it can use the IRS to force this without really bringing the administration back into confrontation with the employer mandate. And I think that's also a mistake, because the reality is that IRS will not go to companies and say, "If you have an employee benefit plan, you can't run away from us." But this could all be used by the administration as leverage. Let's look at the two approaches. first and simplest way of doing it is you take the existing rules, make them a bit more generous for small employers, and then as soon you get your new legislation passed, just pass it right away, and doesn't force anyone to do anything. You can say to industry, "See? What you need to do is go into the exchanges today to give up some of the tax credits that you still have, and in the future 2015 beyond, take all of the money that you're doing right now and put it into an independent health care exchange, and then we'll get more flexible tax credit distributions from the exchanges over time." Right? If you're going to do that, then you don't have to negotiate or compromise on the final provision that we see in the law. Instead, you just simply make the rules weaker, and they're going to be forced by law give up something, without having to pay for any of it. And what does that mean? It means they go back to people and say, "We think that you're overcharging us with the credit," and then they just don't pay. So actually can get a deal in this part of the exchange, and they're doing it anyway. The second option is to get a law passed that says employers, small cannot avoid reporting to the IRS when they have an employee benefit plan that they want to make larger, because they have to deal with them. The key word in that phrase is large. And one of the problems with Obamacare is that if you use the definition of large at 20% mark that the law uses, then you are only large enough to have give up some amount, whether you pay cash or make a contribution. So if you have a small employer plan that goes from $5,000 to $100,000 per family year, then we'll let you stay large, because it will be too obvious. the first one where you just make it up. And why does a "special exemption" for employers not make sense? It's a mistake based on logic that I don't think the administration understands, but idea behind it is that if you have a small group plan and you're trying to say that it's not a significant contribution under the law, you make that larger and bigger for the sake of this "special exception," and that will make up.

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